See How This Mom Of 3 Overcame Her Fear With Food And Melted-Away Fat.

The Problem:

Meet Amanda, a dedicated trainer at a CrossFit gym who found herself in need of a coach for herself. Surrounded by the constant demand of pouring into others, Amanda struggled to muster the motivation to coach herself. Juggling a bustling home life with three young kids, finding time for her own fitness journey seemed like an uphill battle.

Over seven years, Amanda experimented with various approaches, from strict keto to tracking and dieting. However, at the core of her struggle lay the need for serious mindset support, especially concerning her relationship with food, having grappled with disordered patterns in the past.

A recent move to a new gym added to Amanda's challenges. She faced difficulty in finding a program that was not only effective but also feasible within her limited time. As a coach, Amanda had different aesthetic goals than what CrossFit could provide, and she deeply missed having a coach for the support and accountability she once enjoyed. The struggle was real, and Amanda was in search of a solution that would align with her evolving goals and busy lifestyle.

Amanda’s Goals:
Amanda, driven by a desire to lose fat, build muscle, and rediscover her love for the gym, had multifaceted goals. Beyond the physical transformations, she aimed to heal her metabolism from the negative nutrition cycle she found herself in.

Recognizing the need for a better relationship with food, Amanda understood that sustaining herself on as little as 1300/1400 calories was not the answer. It wasn't just about increasing the numbers; it was about accepting that her body needed more nourishment and having faith in the right support throughout this transformative process. Amanda was on a journey not just for aesthetic changes but for holistic well-being and a sustainable, positive relationship with both food and fitness.

Our Game Plan:

Our top mission for Amanda was to get her body out of the constant "flight or fight" mode caused by undereating, intense training, insufficient sleep, and high stress. This was the crucial step needed for any physical progress.

We took it step by step, steadily increasing her food intake while providing unwavering support for her mindset. Amanda tackled her food fears head-on, reshaping her perception of what true nourishment for her body could look and feel like.

The magic happened when we crafted a sustainable strength training split, putting more emphasis on rest, recovery, and stress management. This shift allowed her inflammation levels to decrease, ushering in significant changes with fat loss, muscle development, boosted energy, and overall strength.

But it wasn't just about the physical changes. Amanda's self-talk underwent a positive transformation, her relationships flourished, and she gained a newfound respect for the rest her body truly needed.

The Result:

Transformed her relationship with food resulting in fat loss, less inflammation and stress.