It’s time to Unlock your dream body with a custom approach that’s as unique as you are.


You’ve got the determination but how do you translate that into your ideal physique? That's where we step in: your 1:1 coach, tailoring fitness and nutrition with daily support to fast-track you to your goals.

Busy But Fit: Dive Into Quick Recipes, 45-Minute Workouts, and Learn the Cycle Secrets Holding You Back.

Struggling with consistency and not seeing results? Our top 3 guides are the perfect starter pack for busy women. Yours for free!

You Don't Have To Do It Alone.

“Let me guess, you're overwhelmed by the sheer number of programs out there, confused by conflicting nutrition advice, and maybe you've even tried generic programs or hired coaches that promised results but just didn't deliver.

I know the feeling because I was once in your shoes...It's disheartening to navigate this alone, and the cost of staying stuck is not just in missed goals, but in lost confidence and happiness.”


Does This Sound Familiar?

You're consistent during the week but fall off on the weekends.


You're strapped for time and want a plan that’s effective, not life consuming.


You workout but don’t look like you do.


You lack the confidence to wear the clothes you want.


You’re fed up with diets and feeling restricted when out with friends.


It feels like you’ve tried everything but you’re not seeing the results you want.


Because I Was You


When my dance career ended I lost my identity and confidence.

Trying every fitness trend and diet, I quickly ran my body into the ground trying to achieve the 'ideal physique' promoted on Instagram. Desperate to find a better way, I learned everything I could about fitness, nutrition, and the power of the female cycle leading me to get certified as a personal trainer and hormone specialist.

Once I started to apply what I learned, I saw more progress in 3 months than in the previous 5 years combined. Completely transforming my body, mind, and confidence. Now, through Empowered, I’m here to help you do the same, but with less trial and error. It’s the program I wish the old me had, and now, it's here for you.


Imagine A World Where…

You're seeing insane results with a workout program you love because it's 100% tailored to you.

You're glowing with confidence, feel amazing and actually look like you work out

You're enjoying your favorite foods and nights out with friends, all while making progress and feeling unrestricted.

You've harnessed the power of your cycle vs. letting it control your mood, cravings, and energy.

You're sleeping better, negative self-talk is gone and you have all the tools to support yourself for good.

With Custom Home and Gym Programs, Get A Clear Path To Your Goals With Empowered.


4-Reasons Why You’ll Get Results

24/7 Guidance From Your Coach
Daily text support, proactive accountability, recurring weekly check-ins, 1:1 strategy, and more!

A Program Rooted In Sustainability
We meet you where you're at with a custom plan that’s easy to stick to, focusing on progress over perfection.

Non-Restrictive Approach To Food
Our method allows you to eat the food you love and go out with friends while still making progress—guaranteed.

We Don’t Gatekeep Key Information
Learn about the transformative power of your cycle, habits, mindset, and more. Support yourself for good!


We’ve Helped Countless Women Just Like You


Introducing Empowered 1-On-1 Online Coaching

Effortlessly reach your goals with custom 1-on-1 online coaching that ranges from 6, 9, and 12 months. From struggling to thriving, we cover everything you need: personalized fitness, nutrition, and coaching that fully adapts to your life and fitness journey.


The Support You’ll Recieve

24/7 Guidance From Your Coach
Receive daily text support and accountability from your coach. We’re here every step of the way.

Weekly Check-Ins From Your Coach
We'll review your past week’s progress, wins, and struggles—making adjustments that mold to you.

1:1 Strategy And Support Calls
Upcoming trip? Big life changes? Book a call with your coach to tackle any challenge you’re having.

Monthly Education Masterminds
Learn about helpful health topics. Past topics include; supplements, coming off the pill, and more!


Everything You Get

01: Custom Workout Program

Receive a custom workout program that’s 100% tailored to your goals, free time, and experience level—whether you’re at home or in the gym. Plus, your coach will update your program every 4-6 weeks to keep things fresh and exciting!

With the Empowered Fitness App, you can access your workouts, form videos, and track progress effortlessly on your phone. Compete with yourself and feel confident stepping into every workout.

02: Custom Nutrition Support

Picky eater, busy schedule, not a fan of veggies? Hate smoothies? We get everyone is unique; one size doesn't fit all, and we aren’t here to force you into a rigid meal plan you can’t stick to.

With our custom macro-approach to nutrition, we’ll show you how to easily hit your daily targets of protein, carbs, and fat to support your unique goals. Our approach also allows you to eat the food you love and go out with friends while still making progress—guaranteed.

03: Master Your Habits & Cycle

Guiding you with straightforward tools, templates, and proven systems, we'll shape habits and routines that switch your consistency to autopilot. We'll also support you in breaking down limiting beliefs, unlocking your true potential.

Plus, we’ll show you how to harness the transformative abilities of your cycle, impacting everything from your mood, energy, and strength—it's like discovering a superpower!

04: Amazing Community

In addition to personal coaching, you'll join our vibrant Empowered Community and Group Chat, a safe space to celebrate wins and find support from women on the same journey as you.

Dive into exciting challenges, like our recent step contest for a Lulu gift card, and enjoy unique activities, including our new book club! It's more than a program; it's an exhilarating, supportive community where you're destined to thrive.


Did You Say “Bonuses”?

Mastermind Video Vault
Learn about Gut Health, Stress, Hormones, Supplements and more!

Get In Flow Guide
Our most popular resource for understanding your cycle.

1000+ Easy Recipes & Snacks
Simplified options at your fingertips + grocery lists.

Don’t Take It From Us


Hayley W

Full-Time Corporate Job.
8+ years of experience. Felt stuck with no progress.
Lost 3 inches off her waist and has a regular cycle again.

Marielle F

Full-Time Teacher
Wanted to lose fat and feel better in her clothes.

Got results with empowered when nothing else worked.


Busy Entrepreneur
Wanted to feel confident going into summer.
Built lean muscle & got her first cycle in 5 years.


Busy Mom Of Three
Wanted to lose fat and have better food habits.
Built a lean physique while improving her relationship with food.


How It Works


1:1 Onboarding

You'll meet your coach, receive your personalized program, and gain access to our full suite of resources and recipes. Once you’re all set up, we’ll introduce you to the community and hit the ground running!



You’ll begin to feel more energized and motivated as we seamlessly integrate routines into your life that make your fitness and nutrition feel effortless. With this foundation in place, your workouts and nutrition won’t feel like a chore.



With consistency on autopilot, it's time to dive into boosting your metabolism, gut health, hormone balance, and mindset. As we layer on dynamic training—the new you starts to emerge.



At this point, your physical results are undeniable, you’re glowing with confidence, and your clothes fit better than ever before. With all the groundwork in place, we’ll focus on fine-tuning your program and mindset, showing you what’s truly possible.



As your program comes to an end, you’ve gone through a full internal and external transformation. Here we ensure you feel fully prepared to leave the program with confidence. Empowering you to thrive on your own terms, we’ll make sure you’re equipped for continued success.

Julz Here!

“Our 4-phase approach is not set in stone. It’s a baseline we like to follow to establish long-lasting results. Depending on where you’re at in your fitness journey will determine how we mold our plan to you!”


Program Breakdown

Taxes Included* Pricing is in $CAD.
Converted to USD is $220-$330.

We offer 6, 9, and 12-month 1:1 coaching programs. You get the same amazing Empowered features, support, and bonuses regardless of your program duration.

We offer monthly payment plans or paid-upfront plans. (Best Value* We offer discounts on our paid-upfront plans. Saving you between $600-$800 on your 6,9 or 12-month program).

On the Discovery Call with Julz, we’ll discuss which program option and payment plan best support your goals and budget.

EASY AS 1,2,3

How To Get Started


Easily Apply Today

Fill out our quick form below, and Julz will reach out to set up a discovery call.


Discovery Call With Julz

Learn more about our program and which 6, 9, or 12-month option is right for you.


Meet Your Coach, Get Your Plan

Receive your custom plan and get all set up within 48hrs of enrolling.


Apply For Coaching

If you are ready to transform your body and mind with a custom plan tailored to your life, take the first step by answering the 8 questions below. Julz will then reach out to set up your free discovery call to walk you through all our options!

1:1 Coaching Application

Program FAQs

  • See everything we provide to you with 1-on-1 coaching here. Our full program breakdown.

  • We offer a diverse range of financial options to fit your unique budget. Our 1:1 pricing ranges from $299-$450 per month (taxes included).

    *Most clients prefer our paid in full option allowing you to SAVE $600-$800 when paid upfront. If you pay in full and factor in the savings it works out to $283-$350 per month.

    We accept credit, debit and other payment methods.

  • Yes, this is an important part of the process for us to better understand where you are at in your health and fitness journey and how we could potentially support you and your goals.

    Upon applying, Coach Julz will reach out within 24 hours to set up a free introductory call so we can get to know you better.

  • We offer a 6-month, 9-month and 12-month 1:1 coaching program. Programs can be at home, in the gym, or hybrid. The minimum monthly commitment is 6 months but the majority of our clients stay with us for at least 12-18 months.

  • Not at all. In fact, the majority of our clients train from the comfort of their homes with sometimes little to no equipment. We tailor the program to support you and what you have accessible and adapt as needed.

  • Empowered possesses the capability to work with a diverse range of individuals, each with unique goals, experience levels, backgrounds, and health considerations—all of which play a crucial role in determining the suitable timeline. That's why we conduct an initial free consultation, to understand your specific needs and goals and establish an appropriate plan.

    Some clients choose to graduate after a period and continue their journey independently, while others opt to stay with us for multiple years due to the invaluable support they receive.

  • Upon joining the program we guarantee you will have your program in hand no greater than 48 hours after your orientation call!

  • Each week you will fill out a simple check-in form. In the form, we will ask you questions like: How was your sleep? What are you struggling with? What do you have going on next week? And more. We also ask you to update your body measurements, weight, and take progress photos (all optional but preferred).

    The intent of these check-ins is to address anything that you are struggling with and adjust our plan accordingly. Life changes, and so should your plan.

    Within 24hrs of you completing your check-in form, you will receive a comprehensive video response from your coach, going over your form in detail along with reviewing your progress. We will address roadblocks and get you set up for the following week regardless of what you have on your plate!

  • Your coach will create a personalized workout plan tailored to your specific goals, experience level, schedule, and available equipment once you submit your initial client questionnaire. These customized workouts will be conveniently accessible through our user-friendly Empowered app and updated every 4-6 weeks according to your preferences.

    Within the app, you can easily track your progress and access instructional form videos to ensure you perform exercises correctly.

  • Absolutely Not! We know rigid meal plans and strict diets only result in making you feel worse than when you started. Through the hundreds of women we have worked with, we’ve designed an approach and philosophy that is rooted in sustainability. We promise the path we guide you down is something you can easily maintain for the next decade of your life. By focusing on 80% whole foods and 20% flexible foods, we create a custom Macro plan to support your goals. We guarantee with our approach you can still go out to eat with your friends and eat foods you love while reaching your goals and feeling great.

  • Similarl to your fitness programming, your nutrition is 100% customized to you based on your experience, preference, and comfort. We totally understand that nutrition can be intimidating at the beginning, and we are not here to force you into anything that is not sustainable. Together, if we decide tracking isn’t an optimal route to support you, we will change our approach. As simple as that. We have other methods rooted in accountability to ensure we are still progressing toward your goals. We have done this with hundreds of women in your shoes, you are in good hands!

  • Yes, we do!

  • One thing that truly sets Empowered apart is how often our clients’ family and friends join along with them. Whether it’s your sister, best friend, or mom, tackling this journey with the people you love will only contribute to your growth and success (we have seen it plenty of times).

    Therefore, we encourage and incentivize our clients through our recognizable referral program. For every referral you send our way, receive $80 (can be in the form of a gift card or electronic transfer).

Success Stories

See How These Amazing Women Transformed Through Our 1-On-1 Coaching Program.

Meet Your Coaches

CEO/Coach Julz

NASM CPT, OFNC, NCI Hormone Specialist

Julz's purpose is to help women build confidence through fitness and nutrition that aligns with their lives. With a proven track record of positively impacting 100s of women, she specializes in enhancing their relationship with food, the gym, and overall self-confidence. Julz excels in mindset, supporting the female cycle, achieving body recomposition, and inspiring transformative journeys for women seeking positive change.

What Julz is known for:

Head Coach Kayla

Masters Of Science UF, OFNC, HMCC

Coach Kayla empowers women on their transformative journeys, drawing from her own experience of overcoming hormonal imbalances, gut health issues, and mindset struggles. As a former athlete, Kayla emphasizes the significance of physical and mental well-being, guiding her clients toward a sustainable balance and creating habits they can maintain forever.

What Kayla is known for:

“The Empowered App Is A Life-Saver”

Follow, track, and compete with yourself—our app makes fitness fun!

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Get Over $1000 In FREE Resources

Sign up below and get sent our 3 most popular guides.

The Glute Growth Method - Fat loss & muscle-building tips for your booty, home & gym workouts, top protein sources, and 4 easy high-protein recipes.

Get in Flow Guide - Sync with your cycle (nutrition, training, lifestyle & more), tips for coming off BC, the Get in Flow Checklist, and of course hormone supporting supplements!

Busy Women’s Guide to Thriving - Habit-building tips, high-protein & fiber snacks, 20-minute high-protein recipes, and 45-minute gym & home workouts.

Enter Your Email-Get Your Free Guides.