“I Feel Sexy In My Body”. See How Michelle Built Some Serious Muscle & Glutes.

The Problem:

Meet Michelle, a busy entrepreneur always on the go for work. Balancing business, relationships, stress, and health goals was a constant struggle.

After seven years of trying different things in her fitness journey – free guides, apps, creating her own workouts, and testing diets like carb cycling and fasting – Michelle found herself at a crossroads. Despite hitting the gym six days a week, progress was slow. She realized she had never taken the leap to invest in a coach who could guide her to new levels. Michelle's routine had become a comfort zone, and she hadn't tapped into the potential of personalized coaching.

Adding to the challenge, Michelle wasn't tracking or paying attention to essential elements like protein, fiber, and food amounts. This unknowingly led her to under-consume and overtrain, hindering her progress without her awareness. It was time for Michelle to break free from the familiar and explore a journey of optimized nutrition and targeted guidance.

Michelle’s Goals:
Her main focus was regaining control of her health, aiming to build substantial lean muscle and boost her metabolism.

Beyond that, she was tired of entering the summer months and not feeling confident in a bikini. Michelle was determined to change that and wanted to enter summer with newfound confidence.

Our Game Plan:

We quickly noticed that Michelle was overtraining and undereating, holding back her progress. So, we made gradual changes by increasing her calories. This not only improved her metabolism but also boosted her energy and strength.

Michelle wasn't aware that her earlier habits were affecting her menstrual cycle. Through the process of healing her internal health, she started having a regular monthly cycle again after 5 years! Along the way, she shifted her perspective, no longer tying progress solely to the scale. She rediscovered her love for training, following a simple 4-5 day split in the gym that perfectly aligned with her on-the-go lifestyle and goals.

The Result:

Got her cycle back after 5 years. Built substantial muscle in all the right places.